Tips For Surviving Allergy Season

Along with beautiful flowers and warmer temperatures, spring brings seasonal allergies. It can be a pretty cruel season for people with allergies. About 50 million Americans suffer from nasal allergies.

When the spring weather hits, people with allergy misery try to figure out how to stop sneezing. Plus, it is accompanied by red eyes, a scratchy throat, and a runny nose. Spring can be miserable for many, however, this guide will help you survive the allergy season.

Tips For Surviving Allergy Season

Allergies are not just restricted to spring, they can pop up any season depending on what you are allergic to. It is best to avoid triggers that cause you to flare up.

Here are some tips to help you through the horrible allergy season.

Prep Ahead

A number of things can trigger allergies, so, it is wise to avoid them. For instance, people allergic to pollen should avoid going outdoors when the pollen activity is high.

Install weather apps that show pollen counts to plan your day accordingly. Check pollen counts before going out and limit the time you spend outdoors on a windy day.

Usually, pollen counts are the highest around midday and then decline gradually. Go outside later in the afternoon or evening to avoid triggers.

Boost Your Immunity

Effectively dealing with seasonal allergies involves boosting the immune system to develop more tolerance to the body’s surroundings. Start taking supplements at least one month before the pollen count or other triggers are expected to reach the peak level.

Use Medication

Use Over-the-counter (OTC) decongestants and antihistamines instead of waiting for the allergy symptoms to take action. Take an antihistamine in the morning before leaving the house if you suffer from severe allergies. Contact a local allergy and asthma specialist to get advice on what medicines to take.

Try Saline Nasal Rinses

Try saline rinses to flush out allergens or particles from your nostrils that cause allergy symptoms. Try saline rinses with nasal sprays or neti pot to clean allergens from nasal passages.

Moreover, try gargling a saline solution once or twice a day to ease scratchy throat.

Stay Indoors

You can alleviate the allergy symptoms by staying indoors, especially on windy days. Pollen is sticky and can be easily brought into the home through the wind.

Therefore, keep the windows closed, immediately take a shower, and change clothes as you get home.

Stay Hydrated

People who suffer from seasonal allergies have to stay hydrated and drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. The body produces levels of histamine when you are dehydrated which can worsen the allergy symptoms.

Change Your Diet

Your diet has a significant impact on your allergies and it is best to follow the ‘eat with the season’ rule. Adjust your diet, add more fresh fruits, and avoid foods that cause mucus production.

Foods that should be avoided are dairy products, processed food, cold liquids, sugary drinks, and trans-fat. Instead, add green leafy vegetables, blueberries, pineapple, salmon, herbs, and spices to your diet.

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