Do Clear Plastic Aligners Adjust The Extraction Of Front Teeth?

When you have a teeth misalignment problem, there are a lot of complications to suffer. Orthodontic treatments are the way to deal with the teeth misalignment problem and achieve straighter teeth. There are multiple types of Orthodontic treatment options like Metal braces, Ceramic braces, Lingual braces, and Clear aligners. All these aligners do the same task of treating teeth misalignment and achieving teeth straightening. However, here we will be looking more about the clear aligner treatment. They are also called clear plastic aligners. They are getting increasingly popular among people for teeth misalignment treatment.

What Are The Different Types Of Teeth Misalignment Problems?

There are varieties of teeth misalignment problems that can be treated with clear dental aligners.

Here are different types of the teeth misalignment problems:

Overbite – Upper lower front teeth overlap with lower front teeth

Crowded teeth – Overlapping of the teeth improperly

Underbite – Lower front teeth overlapping the upper front teeth

Diastema – Large or small gaps between the teeth

Above are the main types of teeth misalignment problems. However, apart from these, there are other types of the different teeth misalignment problems.

What Are Clear Aligners?

Clear aligners are the custom-made invisible aligners that are used for Orthodontic treatment for correcting teeth misalignment problems.

They are flexible and more convenient for use by a person of any age group. These clear plastic teeth aligners can treat different types of teeth misalignment problems.

Can Aligners Work When The Extraction Of Front Teeth Is Done?

In some cases, it is not possible to put the aligners in the existing complicated teeth condition. So here it becomes necessary to extract the front teeth and give some other solution. In some cases, the front teeth might have been lost making it important to know whether clear plastic teeth aligners can work. Well, there has been a tremendous development in dental technology. It can become possible to correct the teeth misalignment with the aligners even when a front tooth is missing. It can either be done with the solution of the dental implant or other adjustments can be done for getting proper teeth alignment.

Using the dental implant, the missing front tooth is replaced with the implant that functions like the tooth. The aligners are then put on the teeth set along with the dental implant. They collectively work to achieve teeth straightening and improve the smile quality. Using adjustments, the aligner is adjusted in a manner that can work properly on the teeth set considering the missing tooth. They can work collectively to achieve proper teeth alignment. They can give an aesthetic appearance to the teeth.

What Are The Pros And Cons Of The Clear Aligners?

Clear aligners indeed are one of the effective ways to achieve proper teeth alignment. There are some pros and cons of it that must be considered.

Here are some pros and cons of the clear aligners:


1. Give an aesthetic appearance

As these clear aligners are transparent, they cannot be easily detected by other people. This also gives a very nice aesthetic appearance to the teeth even during the treatment process.

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2. Can be removed

Clear aligners can be removed whenever needed by the user. This makes it easier for doing some of the important activities properly like teeth brushing, cleaning the aligners, etc. This also makes it easier to eat some food items more comfortably.

3. Lower maintenance

There is very lesser maintenance required for the clear aligners when compared to the other types of treatment. You would hardly have to experience maintenance or other complications.

4. Comfort

Overall the clear aligners are more comfortable to use during the treatment process. This makes it simple for using aligners with proper treatment.


5. Expensive

The cost of the aligners is higher when compared to the other types of Orthodontic treatment. The use of the high-level technology and comfort given is making the cost higher.

6. Wear at least 22 hours a day

Although the aligners can be removed when needed, a prolonged duration of removal may impact the treatment results. So, it must be wear at least 22 hours a day for getting the effective desired results.

Despite there are some cons, there are many benefits of using clear aligners. Clear dental aligners have the ability to give effective treatment with proper teeth alignment. You can look for Clear Aligners Doctors India who can provide necessary treatment. Clear aligners are surely an effective treatment method to get teeth straightening.

Expert Opinion:

Clear plastic aligners can adjust the extraction of front teeth case properly to give proper teeth straightening results. A proper following of the Orthodontist guidelines during the treatment process is important.

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