Tips to Protect Your Children During Covid-19 Pandemic

While the COVID-19 pandemic impacted adults with co-morbidity issues, fortunately, children displayed mild symptoms as in the case of other viral infections. However, children with pre-existing ailments like asthma or malnutrition, or other co-morbid conditions were exposed to the risks of the virus.

Parents were concerned about the health and wellness of their children and took all measures to keep them safe and protected. However, this is a new virus, and most people were not aware of the right measures to take to stay protected.

The medical community and the government constantly inform people of the measures they can take to keep themselves safe. However, while lockdowns were introduced to curb the spread of the virus, the mutations are resulting in a steep rise in cases at regular intervals. Hence, it is important to create a plan to protect your children and loved ones during this pandemic.

Also, ensure that you have an appropriate medical insurance plan that offers health insurance benefits if you or your children are diagnosed with COVID-19. If you do not have a health insurance plan, you can simply buy health insurance online from any reputed insurer in India.

This article will share some tips to help you keep your children safe during the pandemic.

Top Tips to Protect Your Children During Covid-19 Pandemic

Here are some tips to protect your children:

  • Encourage Hygiene

One of the simplest but most effective ways of protecting your children during the pandemic is to teach the habit of hygiene to them. Also, teach them how to stay positive and not allow negative thoughts to cloud their minds. Further, explain to them what the virus is all about and why it is dangerous. Finally, use this information to drive home the importance of good hygiene. Some habits you can teach are:

  • Washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • The use of hand sanitisers if soap and water are not available
  • Teach them not to touch their face, including eyes, nose, and mouth, unless they have washed their hands
  • Use N95 masks from properly and without fail when they are outside the home.

Remember, children learn more by observing than listening. Hence, ensure that you cultivate these habits too.

  • Communicate With Your Children

During the pandemic, children were curious to know what was happening. Unfortunately, while they had access to the internet via their smartphones, the information available online was sketchy at best. Hence, make sure that you talk to your children about the situation as honestly as possible. If you don’t know the answer to a question posed by them, tell them that you don’t.

COVID-19 is hurting children's mental health. Here's how to help | World Economic Forum

Help them build a tolerance to anxiety and uncertainty. This will make them resilient in the long run. Also, ensure that you don’t overload them with too much information. This can overwhelm children and create panic in their minds.

  • Follow A Routine

Many families lost their daily routines since parents and kids were at home without having to go anywhere. This resulted in children waking up late and sleeping at odd hours. If this becomes a habit, they might struggle when regular school resumes. So instead, create a schedule that balances work and play.

  • Incorporate Creative Activities For Play And Exercise

Children need to play and exercise regularly. Lockdowns and restricted movement outside curbed their playtime. Make sure that you get creative and incorporate some form of exercise and fun time for your children.

  • Get Insurance

The COVID-19 virus is expected to mutate. Some doctors have suggested that children might be at risk with some newer variants. While you must take precautions and ensure social distancing and teach the same to your children, preparing yourself for the medical costs associated with the treatment of the virus is important too. A coronavirus health insurance is the right step in this direction.

Sometimes, a COVID-19-infected patient requires hospitalisation that can run into many days. As a result, many insurers like Tata AIG offer a health insurance policy for coronavirus like Corona Kavach. These plans are designed to help people manage the costs of treatment if they or their loved ones get infected.

Make sure that you get coronavirus-specific medical insurance in India for your children. This will help you get the best medical attention in the unfortunate event of them catching the virus.

Summing Up

The entire world is battling against the virus. People are taking various measures to keep themselves and their loved ones safe. The tips mentioned above can help you protect your children during the pandemic. It is important to stay calm and not panic in this situation. Your children will look up to you for strength, support, and guidance. Make sure that you are adequately informed and practice what you preach.

This is an unprecedented time for all of us. While you are taking precautions to keep your family safe, also ensure that you get the right family medical insurance plan to manage treatment costs that are known to go very high if any family member gets infected. You can also look at family medical insurance plans. Many insurers are offering plans for the treatment of the virus. Explore these plans, compare features and premiums and make sure that you get an adequate sum insured for you and your loved ones.


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