Is my Heart Weak? – Signs to look out for

The health of your heart can shorten or extend your life span. Many people are unaware of common and early symptoms that may indicate heart issues. A weak heart is prone to heart disease or, in severe cases, it can lead to heart failure. It’s better to know the indicators of poor heart health and consult a Cardiologist in Lahore before the situation gets out of hand, and serious complications arise.

7 Signs That Your Heart Is Weak

1. Chest Pain

Chest pain on the left side, near or around the heart, is one of the most indicative signs that the condition of your heart is not fine. It can signify poor blood circulation in the body and indicates an upcoming heart attack, so don’t ignore it at any cost. Some people may feel a searing pain in their chest, whereas others may feel mild discomfort or pressure. Whatever the case is, it needs to be checked by the Best Cardiologist in Islamabad on an urgent basis.

2. Irregular Heartbeat

Irregular heartbeat, also known as arrhythmia, can be problematic if it happens too often. It occurs when the heart isn’t able to pump the blood properly. An uneven heartbeat doesn’t always mean that there’s a problem, but it can be life-threatening in some cases. Rapid heart rate or your heart skipping a beat can indicate an impending heart attack or, in worse cases, heart failure.

3. Shortness of Breath

Being short of breath isn’t something that you should take lightly. A heavy feeling in the lungs or rapid breathing can point towards a problem with breathing. Breathing problems are commonly pulmonology or cardiac. Blockage in the heart can lead to blood backing up in the veins. It causes fluid leakage in the lungs resulting in breathing issues. Breathing issues can signal heart failure. Additionally, long-lasting cough or wheezing also be a symptom of heart problems.

Heart attack in women: 8 symptoms and risk factors

4. Swelling In The Lower Legs

Swelling in the legs, ankles, or feet can be evidence of a heart problem. When the heart can’t pump blood to and from the heart properly, it causes blood to accumulate in the veins of the lower parts of your body, leading to fluid build-up. It may result in blood clots that can be fatal for your heart.

5. Sleeping Disorders

Most people snore, and snoring a little is fine. However, snoring loudly can be a sign of sleep apnea, especially if snoring sounds like choking or gasping for breath. People with this disorder may experience sleep disturbances as their breathing stops a few times at night while they’re sleeping. This difficulty in breathing puts stress on the heart.

6. Fatigue

Everyone feels tired after a hectic day of work, but if you’re feeling unusually exhausted after doing chores, it can be due to heart disease. So, if you’re feeling that you experience weakness after doing things that you had no problem doing previously, it’s better to consult a doctor at your earliest.

7. Sweating

Sweating is a telltale sign when it comes to a heart attack. Sweating with chest pain or pain in the arm is common when a person is going through a heart attack. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, get to a hospital as early as possible.

How To Take Care Of Your Heart?

Focus on your heart health as an unhealthy heart is more prone to diseases and can decrease your life. Here are a few ways you can take care of your heart:

  • Consuming heart-healthy foods and supplements like lactobacillus reuteri capsules
  • Exercising daily
  • Limiting the amount of sodium
  • Saying no to alcohol and smoking

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