Discover Your Baby’s Gender With our DNA Gender Test

It’s hard to believe that these days; a doctor can determine your baby’s gender with just one blood test. With the advancement of technology and science, so have possibilities in parenting. In this article, learn how you can find out what gender of baby you’re expecting without any unnecessary complications or costs.

What is a DNA Gender Test?

A DNA Gender Test is a simple, accurate and reliable way to find out the gender of a baby before they are born. A DNA Gender Test looks at the 23 pairs of chromosomes in the mother’s and father’s blood cells using highly specialized laboratory methods. This allows us to tell with almost 100% accuracy whether your baby will be male or female based on what we see.

How Does a DNA Gender Test Work?

A DNA Gender Test uses specific chromosomes to determine a baby’s potential gender. The test is based on DNA samples provided by a mother and father, usually collected at the time of delivery.

This test can only determine the female or male gender of a baby because it does not provide any information about transgender or intersex babies.

The Benefits of Hiring a DNA Sex Test

One of the most exciting things about being pregnant is finding out if it’s a boy or girl. This can be done with the help of a DNA Sex Test.

This test provides information about the baby’s gender and health, which can be shared with family members. A good way to keep this time exciting is to buy yourself a DNA test before you know what sex you’re having.


When to Take Your Baby’s and Partner’s Blood to Make Sure They Are the Same

New parents want to find out their baby’s gender as soon as they can, but the process of taking a DNA sample is not always the most comfortable.

To make sure you get a sample that will accurately tell you your baby’s gender, it’s important to know when to take each party’s blood. If both parents want to be 100% sure, they should take their baby and partner’s blood on the same day.

Understand DNA Sex Tests

There is some debate on how accurate a DNA gender test can be. This is because they are based off of general averages and are not dependent on whether or not you have the same DNA as the person you are trying to match up with.

It’s important to keep in mind that for any given person, we may share about 50% of our DNA with another person.


This is a fun test that can be done to find out your baby’s gender. It’s simple and quick to do, with results in about 10 minutes. Get your CDNA Gender Test kit today and find out if you’re having a boy or girl!

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