Do Handheld Ultrasonic Cavitation Machines Work?

What is Ultrasonic Cavitation Treatment?

Ultrasonic cavitation, also known as ultrasonic lipolysis, is a contouring treatment used to remove fat deposits under the skin. You can also refer to it by brand names such as Liponix or Ultrashape.

This means that recovery is easier. It also means that the results can be unobtrusive.

An Ideal Candidate For Ultrasonic Cavitation:

Overall healthy

No smoke

Have realistic expectations

Already within 15 pounds of target weight

It is not a cure for those who are trying to lose weight.

There is no verdict on how well ultrasonic cavitation works.

If you’re considering this treatment yourself, keep reading to find out everything you need to know about costs, side effects, procedures, recovery times, and more.

How Much Does Ultrasonic Cavitation Cost?

Handheld ultrasonic cavitation is considered a selective cosmetological procedure. This means that you will have to pay the cost of treatment and related costs entirely at your own expense. Insurance usually does not cover body contours, including ultrasonic cavitation.

The Average Cost Can Vary Significantly And Depends On:

Which machine will be used for treatment

Provider experience level

Number of treatments required

The average cost of non-surgical fat removal treatment is $ 1,300.

There is not much additional cost for this treatment other than the provider’s fee. Usually, no anesthesia is needed.

Ultrasonic cavitation is appealing to many, partly because of its minimal recovery time.

This means that bookings can usually be completed within an hour. You can drive immediately and return to work directly after driving.

How Does Ultrasonic Cavitation Work?

Ultrasonic cavitation relies on ultrasonic technology to break down fat cells.

Ultrasound travels deep into the layers of the skin, causing destructive vibrations.

It is difficult to determine how effective this treatment is, but recent studies are promising.

A small 2019 study, TrustedSource, tested the effectiveness of ultrasonic cavitation in 50 women who were medically considered overweight.

Half of the women simply ate a low-calorie diet, while the other half ate a low-calorie diet using high-frequency and ultrasonic procedures to outline the body.

Interestingly, they didn’t lose as much weight as the other groups — they just lost body fat.

All participants saw a decrease in body fat mass after 3 treatments. At the end of the study, the size of the treated body fat area was reduced by 1-3 centimeters.

The study also showed that study participants did not lose weight – they just lost fat.

What Happens During An Ultrasonic Cavitation Session?

The procedure for ultrasonic cavitation is very simple.

On the day of your appointment, your doctor may ask you to undress and wear a paper gown in private, depending on the area of your body you are treating.

Doctors may use alcohol to sterilize the treatment area. Use a handheld ultrasound device to slowly pass through the target area of the body.

You may feel a warm sensation during the procedure or you may hear a humming sound from the ultrasound device.

What To Expect After Ultrasonic Cavitation

After ultrasonic cavitation, you should be able to get up and go home.

Pain and bruises are usually minimal. You will be instructed to hydrate as much as possible after the procedure to help the body wash away fat cells through the lymphatic system.

However, don’t expect to see the results right away. Immediately after booking, your body may swell or swell. It takes time for the body to break and dissolve the removed fat cells.

Also, repeated treatments may be required to see the visible results. Most candidates for this treatment will see the final result within 6-12 weeks. On average, treatment requires 1-3 visits to obtain visible results.

The consequences of this treatment are permanent as long as you maintain a healthy diet and exercise. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, fat deposits can return to the treated area.

Preparing For Ultrasonic Cavitation

To prepare your promise, your provider will give you detailed instructions, which you should follow carefully.

Before Booking, Please Be Sure To Disclose The Following To Your Provider:

Any medical condition you have

Herbal supplements you take

Prescribed medicine

Avoid drinking alcohol at least 48 hours before booking.

You may also be advised to avoid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen for the two weeks prior to the procedure.

Drink plenty of water before and after your treatment so that your body can quickly wash away fat deposits.

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