Frequently Asked Questions About Laser Tattoo Removal

Frequently Asked Questions About Laser Tattoo Removal

If you have a tattoo that is an eyesore to you and you’re considering getting it removed, you probably have a long list of questions. We want to help clear some of the confusion up. Here are a list of questions and answers that most laser tattoo removal patients had before their appointment:

How Much Does Laser Tattoo Removal Cost?

Pricing is probably the number one factor when it comes to deciding whether or not to get your tattoo removed. The truth is, laser tattoo removal costs several times more than what it costs to get your tattoo done. That can be a hard pill to swallow for many patients. However, once your tattoo is removed, it is gone forever. So, if you extremely dislike your tattoo for whatever reason, it can be worth the expense. For smaller tattoos, you can expect it to cost between the $75-$125 range for each treatment session. For larger tattoos, that price can be double or more depending on the practice you choose.

How Long Will The Removal Process Take?

When it comes to laser tattoo removal, the laser breaks and shatters the ink of the tattoo, and then your body’s lymphatic system will remove the ink organically. There is no concrete answer on how long this will take. For some patients it can take up to a year for the tattoo to be completely gone. It is recommended that treatments only be done every six weeks to prevent any scarring, and gives the area a chance to heal completely before another treatment begins. With that information, you should expect over a year before the tattoo is not visible anymore. The number of treatments will depend on the patient and the size of the tattoo. Some patients are satisfied with their results after 3-4 treatments, while others may take 6-8 treatments.

Premium Photo | Laser tattoo removal in a cosmetology clinic.

Does Laser Tattoo Removal Hurt?

The laser tattoo removal process feels similar to actually getting a tattoo. While it hurts and is comfortable, it is not unbearable. This depends on the patient and their pain tolerance. Some have described it as not as bad as they were expecting, while others have described it as more painful. Many specialists can provide a skin numbing topical or other measures to help you feel more comfortable during your sessions.

Will There Be A Scar?

Many patient’s main concern is that the area will be left with a scar. If your tattoo already has a scar around the area, then you should expect that to remain. If any scars are left after your tattoo removal sessions are complete, it is likely that those scars came from originally getting the tattoo, not the removal process. In your initial consultation, your doctor should be able to tell you whether or not there are scars present in the area.

Are There Any Side Effects?

While there is no downtime needed after your tattoo removal sessions, you may experience some discomfort around the area. The side effects can include redness, tenderness, swelling, blistering, scabs, bruising, hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation. These side effects can potentially be seen the day after your session, and may prevent you from wearing certain clothing and participating in certain activities, depending on the location of your tattoo. Most patients only report feeling some tenderness to the area, and seeing some redness or swelling. These side effects should coincide after a couple of days. This is again why we recommend giving the area a full 6 weeks to heal before continuing with treatments.

While the laser tattoo removal process might seem intimidating and scary, you should have faith and trust in your doctor to get you through the process as comfortably as possible. If you are certain about removing your tattoo, then the process should be worth it.

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