Best Dental Treatments Around

Your smile is one of the first things that other people notice about you. Dentistry and dental treatments have come a long way in transforming and giving people a smile that they deserve to have. Whatever your dental situation, here are some of the most popular and effective dental procedures.

Teeth Whitening

There are many ways to whiten your teeth, and they can be whitened at home or with the help of an experienced dentist in Elgin. Most people who look to make a change in their dental health look towards brightening their teeth. In a recent poll, the American Association of Orthodontists found that 90% of those surveyed would like to have whiter teeth. Before starting any teeth whitening procedure, be sure to ask your dentist for guidance and advice. Here are a few ways to get started:

Prescribed Bleaching Products: With a prescription and referral from your dentist, you can purchase an over-the-counter bleaching kit. These kits typically have higher concentrations of bleaching agents than are commercially available and can be used to get a similar bleaching effect that you would get from a dentist’s office. Make sure to consult with your dentist for a product that is both safe and effective for your needs.

Whitening Toothpaste: When shopping for toothpaste, look for those with the ADA Seal of Acceptance. These toothpastes contain additional stain-removing and polishing agents that will help to brighten your smile.

In-Office Bleaching: Otherwise known as chairside bleaching, this is the procedure used by your dentist to whiten your teeth. First, the dentist applies a gel or rubber shield to your gums for protection. Then, a bleaching agent is applied to your teeth to remove tough and stubborn stains.


Orthodontics is not just for kids or young adults; people of any age can use orthodontics to straighten their smiles and realign their teeth. If you have crooked/crowded teeth, an overbite or underbite, or an irregular jaw Orthodontics may be a great solution. There are quite a few options for treatment, and they can be tailored to your specific dental wants or needs.

Traditional Braces: A classic set of metal braces are a tried and tested method for getting a straighter smile. Metal braces can fix all sorts of dental issues including irregularly spaced teeth and bite issues. Traditional braces are very strong and can hold up against a variety of treatment options.

Ceramic Braces: Ceramic braces are also sometimes referred to as “clear braces” because while they are the same size and shape as metal braces, they are transparent or white. As a result, they virtually blend in with your natural teeth and are much less visible than braces of a traditional variety.

Lingual Braces: This variety of braces attaches to the top of your teeth instead of in the front. This is the least visible form of metal braces, however, some patients report discomfort since they are much closer to your tongue.

Clear Aligners: This is the newest orthodontic treatment method and is the list visible option of the four. This option is virtually invisible and can also be removed. However, they require maintenance and upkeep.

Whichever orthodontic treatment you are interested in, your orthodontic team will help to explain the pros and the cons of each.


Veneers are a thin layer that is placed over the front, visible portion of the tooth. They look virtually identical to natural teeth and they can be used as a solution for a broad range of dental issues such as chipped, stained, crooked, or uneven teeth. Veneers are typically made of porcelain or resin. Be sure to consult with your dentist to learn which type would be the best fit for your individual needs.

Porcelain Veneers: These are typically a thin shell that is custom fit to an individual tooth. These are durable, long-lasting, natural-looking, and require less tooth enamel to be removed in the fitting process than a dental cap or crown. Dentists prepare teeth for a veneer by removing a small bit of enamel, and by making a mold of your teeth that is sent to a lab for custom creation. After the veneers are received by the dentist, your teeth are cleaned, and veneers are fitted to your teeth.

Resin Veneers: These are manufactured from a material colored the same shade are your teeth. These veneers require even less enamel to be removed than porcelain veneers or crowns, they require fewer trips to the dentist than their porcelain counterparts, and they typically cost less. These may be a great option for veneers on a budget.

Myofunctional Therapy

6 Important Dental Treatments - A Dental Care

Myofunctional therapy is a method to correct the poor function and form of the facial and tongue muscles. It involves strengthening the orofacial muscles by teaching patients to appropriately move them to the correct position. This is a method that is appropriate and effective for individuals that struggle with breathing in their sleep, obstruction of the nasal passage, grinding of the teeth, speech problems, and more. Once these issues are diagnosed by a healthcare professional, myofunctional therapy can be prescribed as a piece of a targeted remedy and treatment plan.

Myofunctional therapy consists of repeated exercises done under the supervision of occupational, speech, or dental professionals, and treatment plans are typically tailor-made for an individuals’ specific needs.


Dentures are replacements for teeth and surrounding gums that are removable and replaceable. Dentures can either be partial or complete and depend on the dental situation of the individual.

Immediate Dentures: These dentures are built in advance and are put in place as soon as teeth removal happens. The wearer of immediate dentures does not have to live without teeth while healing.

Conventional Dentures: Conventional dentures are made after teeth have begun to heal and are ready to be placed in eight to twelve weeks after teeth have been removed from the wearer.

There are a variety of options to take charge of your dental health. Dental methods to brighten and change your smile are wide-ranging and exist for a wide-ranging list of needs. Be sure to always consult and speak with your dentist before trying any methods discussed above.

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