Reinvent Yourself with Smile Makeover

Are you concerned about the way your smile looks? Is it because of the appearance of your teeth and gums?

If you answered “yes” to both of these questions, then a smile makeover might be the right solution for you.

Many dentists and dental experts now offer this kind of treatment to many clients across the globe. With the help of cosmetic dentistry, several common dental issues can be easily treated today.

Having A Smile Makeover

When you want to reinvent yourself and have a smile makeover, you and your dentist will need to assess a few factors first. This will help the expert to learn the best dental treatment for your case.

  • Alignment and Spacing

Alignment and spacing between teeth are some of the most common things that experts will need to consider. Are the teeth overlaps with one another? Are they crooked? Do they have large gaps in between them?

With cosmetic dentistry, treatments like clear aligners (Invisi) and veneers may resolve these kinds of concerns.

  • Missing teeth

Missing a tooth or two can dramatically impact the way your smile looks, and even your overall appearance. Moreover, this can negatively affect your bite and may cause damage to your dental health in the long run.

The way to resolve this is by implants or bridges. Some dentists may also recommend dentures to replace the missing tooth or teeth.

  • Harmony and Balance

In the case of having a chipped or cracked tooth, cosmetic dentists may resolve this by bonding sheets and fillings to cover up the imperfections. It is worth noting that these dental flaws also affect your overall appearance and self-confidence. Certainly, if you are living with this kind of dental issue, you are not comfortable smiling and letting everyone know about your cracked or chipped tooth.

  • Fuller Lips, Smile, and Cheeks

Your smile is directly proportional to the conditions of your lips, chin, and cheeks. As you age, your facial features change, as well. These features include all of the things that affect your smile.

This is the reason why this aspect is another factor that your dentist will look after to see which treatments will fit best on your case. To resolve this kind of dental issue, orthodontics and other surgeries, like oral or maxillofacial will do the help fix it all.

  • Teeth Color

Teeth stains and discoloration is another common dental problem that many people face today. The truth is – having this issue with your teeth can dramatically affect your confidence to smile beautifully.

Thankfully, though, there are now treatments that can help you have the perfect set of pearly white teeth. These may include veneers, bleaching, and other dental techniques to make those teeth shine bright and white again.

Components Of A Smile Makeover

Reinvent Yourself with Smile Makeover

Apart from the above-mentioned factors that your dentist will assess, there are also other components that they will evaluate to help you with your smile makeover. These are the following:

  • Smile Line

The smile line is the imaginary line that your upper teeth follow from side to side. In an ideal case, this line should also be proportional or the same as the curve of the lower lip as you smile.

This is a reference for dentists to determine the length and spacing that you will need to have your smile makeover.

  • Tooth length

Another component to having the perfect smile that will fit best your case is the length of your teeth. It is worth noting that long teeth help make a person look much younger.

As explained, older teeth look much shorter as they are worn down. This is why the length can definitely affect the overall aesthetics of your teeth, as well as your smile and facial appearance.

  • Tooth Proportions

The proportionality of the teeth also directly impacts the way your smile appears before everyone. Generally, this means that your two front teeth must appear the largest among all. Moreover, the ideal width-to-length ratio is 4 to 5.

Dentists at Markham Smile Centre will analyze and check if all your teeth are in proportion to one another. They have specific proportionality guides to help them determine the best and perfect smile for your dental and oral condition.

  • Precautions and care

One of the most important components to having the best-looking smile for your case is proper care and maintenance. Once you obtain your makeover, it does not stop there as you need to take good care of your new smile.

This only means that you must have proper oral hygiene routines, and you should strictly follow them. This regimen would normally include regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups.

You should also ensure to not use non-abrasive toothpaste as it may scratch the surfaces of your teeth and cause new dental concerns. Furthermore, mouthwashes are not entirely necessary because the chemicals might wear away at composites.

Bottom Line

All in all, having a great smile with a set of pearly whites can definitely improve one’s appearance and self-confidence. Gone are the days when you have to find short-term and costly treatments to improve the way your teeth look, thanks to cosmetic dentistry.

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