What Do Parents Need To Know About CBD

It seems like it is impossible to avoid hearing about the beneficial qualities of CBD nowadays and you can find the compound being added to nearly anything you can think of from hand creams and foods, to medicines and beverages. Though CBD or cannabidiol is extracted from the hemp plant it contains no psychoactive properties like the compound THC which is also found in plentiful amounts in the vast majority of cannabis strains. This means that the benefits of taking CBD can be enjoyed without the risk of impairment brought about by taking too much – or any – THC into the system. Since the compound itself doesn’t get you “high” you will experience no mental or physical impairment and therefore will still be able to focus on tasks and operate normally through to the end of the day.

Much like the wide variety of THC infused cannabis products available on the marketplace today CBD products are available in a diverse and fascinating range of potential products that are easy, safe and even enjoyable to utilize. Whether you prefer coffee, gummies, vaping, smoking, applying a lotion, sipping on tea or swallowing a capsule there is a variety of CBD out there that will suit your needs perfectly.

But what should parents know about CBD products and are they safe to give to your children? Are there particular ailments or conditions that CBD is suitable to use when managing symptoms and helping to foster and maintain calm and focus in children? For many years now CBD has been touted as one of the best options for relieving the symptoms and bettering the lives of those who struggle with daily stress, anxiety, nausea, adhd symptoms or an ongoing cancer treatment. Now new studies are bringing to light that it can also be a very effective treatment for children who struggle with focus, keeping calm or getting to sleep at night.

That said CBDis still in the very early stages of the testing process and much more research is needed to fully understand all of the potential benefits and side effects of using CBD products, including their use by children. However great strides are being made daily. The recent approval of the first ever cannabis derived drug by the FDA, Epidiolex – which is used to treat a rare and severe form of epilepsy in children as young as two years of age – is the first major step in the direction towards better utilization and understanding of everything CBD can do to benefit human health and wellness at an early age.

THC and CBD have been used by people all over the world for thousands of years to promote happiness, wellness and good health and thankfully with the dawn of the new age of recreational legalization more and more time and study is being dedicated to fully understanding and unlocking all of the potential benefits they have to offer. There are several very obvious reasons why you should not medicate a young person with a THC product as the impairment it causes, the potential for anxiety and the moral concerns raised should go without need of discussion. Nobody under the legal age in your province or territory should ever be provided with a controlled substance and this includes all recreational and medical THC products not prescribed to them by a medical professional.

How vaping CBD made me a better parent

CBD however contains no psychoactive properties and does not cause any kind of debilitating mental effects. Many people utilize it through their day to day lives as it enables them to reap the medicinal benefits without rendering them unable to focus on important tasks or perform important duties that their job or other responsibilities require of them. This would seem to suggest that CBD should make an ideal candidate for treating similar issues in younger people as they could also reap the benefits of ingesting cannabidiol without undergoing any of the intoxicating effects ordinarily associated with using a cannabis product like cannabis edibles or cannabis flowers.

Not all delivery methods are created equally and everyone’s biology operates a little differently so you might discover that a particular CBD product is ideal for your use over others. Whether you decide to eat, drink, smoke or vape it the effectiveness and absorption rate of the CBD into your system can vary and this is unfortunately another area in which more studies are needed to fully grasp all the details.

While CBD itself is understood to be inherently safe for human consumption dosages can vary wildly from product to product and the recommended dosage for a fully grown adult will be very different from the amount necessary for a small child. Again much more study in this area is required before it can be safely recommended to the general population as a potential treatment for anyone under the age of majority.

While there are still many unknowns the potential for abuse or forming a dependence on CBD is virtually negligible as there are no psychoactive effects to speak of and no symptoms of withdrawal. As with anything regarding your health or the health of your child it is always a good idea to speak to a medical professional before making any decisions about taking or providing your child with medications regardless if they are new and exciting or traditional and well established. Some of the conditions CBD can be used to treat that you may want to discuss with your doctor include epilepsy, autism, depression, adhd and insomnia.

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