Do Weight Loss Supplements Help You Lose Weight?

Lose Weight

Lose Weight

Bodyweight is one of the parameters used in monitoring your health and well-being. The weighing scale is the tool used to measure your weight. How to know whether you are having an ideal body weight or not? Can I use weight loss supplements if my weight is everything except ideal? Those two questions are common questions related to weight asked by the public. Being fat was considered one of the traits to define beauty until the early 1900s.

Previously, high-income people and aristocrats eat well and a lot which to them ensure good health. They believe that eating in large quantities and variations of food will maintain one’s well-being. They also believe that being fat is beautiful. Nowadays, with the advancement of the medical field and science, that belief was proven to be wrong. The misleading facts cause the population to become fat and suffer many chronic illnesses such as high cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes, and heart attack.

Slowly, the later generations after that define beauty as being thin. This is also a misleading fact as many problems arise. The problems are underweight, anorexia nervosa, malnutrition, and many more. This leads to the concept of ideal body weight with adequate muscle mass to maintain a healthy level of metabolism.

Ideal body weight is different from one person to another depending on their height. Body mass index (BMI) is the best method in interpreting your weight. There is a formula used in comparing your weight to your height. You don’t have to worry as you can just download any BMI calculator application in your gadgets. The Asian population has different BMI cut off points from the rest of the world. Below 18.5 is underweight, 18.5 to 22.5 is ideal, 22.9 to 27.5 is overweight, and above 27.5 is obesity.

You need to seek medical attention if you are either underweight, overweight, or obese. Different interventions will be needed for different classes and different underlying causes. There are various causes for you to be underweight, overweight, or obese.

Weight loss supplements can only be considered if you are overweight or obese. There are many other interventions can be done such as diet plan, exercise, taking medications, or even surgery to help you in losing weight.

Weight loss supplements can help you cut down some of your body weight without requiring you to exercise like crazy or eat plain and boring food. Examples of weight loss supplements are green tea, Garcinia cambogia (hydroxycitric acid), conjugated linoleic acid, and chitosan.

How weight loss supplements work in reducing your body weight is not well understood as studies about them are limited. Certain hypotheses and studies describe to us that some weight loss supplements cut down your appetite while others interfere with the digestion and absorption of the food you eat.

Whatever it is, weight loss supplements are still one of the ways for you to lose some weight. They are much better than going for surgery or procedures like liposuction which are riskier. Weight loss supplements are available in pharmacies and you can purchase them without any prescription from a doctor.

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