Retinal Disease: A Serious Problem!!



Eyes are the most important part of our body. It gives four-fifth information to our brain. For a good vision one needs a healthy retina. There are some retinal diseases which cannot be ignored. For that one need to have proper information about retinal diseases because some of retinal diseases cannot be detected as these diseases are painless. That’s why one can’t mark the symptoms of these retinal diseases. About all these retinal disease, its symptoms, how it affects our eyes are really necessary to know. If one ignored the symptoms of any retinal disease it may cause critical retinal disease and blindness. When one have proper knowledge about retinal disease than only they can have a proper treatment from the day first when the symptoms of retinal disease were detected.

Here we are going to discuss briefly about retinal diseases.

Its symptoms and how it causes.

  • Floaters: – Floaters are small, black shapes which appear as thread in the vision. Along with eyes movement it appears in our vision. Floaters are generally in very small shape which can’t be detected easily by someone. That’s why we need proper information about floaters to be safe from these retinal diseases.

Symptoms: –

  • Black dark shapes appears in the vision
  • Small strings and threads appears
  • It can be noticed when we used to look at some bright place or bright background which is plain.
  • Vision can’t be clear when we look at some place which is plain and bright.

Causes: – In the middle of the eye a gel type substance located. It became more liquid because of floaters. And clumps also casts shadow on our retina.

  • Retinal tears: – Retinal tear is a retinal disease which can be easily detected because it causes tears and damage in our retina. This condition is little painful that’s why it’s easy to detect. When the vitreous layer and the thin layer of tissue peels away from each other and vitreous layer shrink causing retinal tears to occur.

Symptoms: –

  • When suddenly floaters appear in vision it means eyes are suffering with retinal tears.
  • When light flashes tears can detect in vision which is the second symptom of retinal tears disease. But in some patients retinal tears don’t shows any symptoms which can be noticed.

Causes: – Our vitreous layer and retina is attached by birth. When lining of retina and vitreous got separate retinal tears happens. It also causes huge tears when we look at flash lights.

  • Retinal detachment: – Retinal detachment is also a kind of retinal disease. It occurs when the retinal layer got separate from the back of eye and it also occurs when fluid vitreous passes through our eye. And our retina also loses its correct position it got a little distance away from its actual position.

Symptoms: –

  • Retinal detachment is also a painless disease.
  • That’s why it really tough to detect. But there are some symptoms which can detect that one is suffering from retinal detachment.
  • When one is suffering from retinal detachment their vision got blurred and floaters are suddenly appears in vision.
  • Flash lights affect eyes badly.  It reduced the clear vision from retina.

Causes: – It causes by an eye injury or it also causes when one have a family history with retinal detachment. An eye surgery also causes the retinal detachment.  And it also occurs when as our age changes eyes also get some changes. Sometimes these changes cause retinal detachment.

Conclusion: –

So here we discussed about some retinal diseases. Retinal diseases are generally painless. That’s why people can’t detect this kind of disease. We discussed about these retinal diseases. Hope our information will help you to get rid of any retinal disease. Our experts will want to know your reviews on the same.

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