Does Synthetic Urine Have A Half Life?

It does not matter if we enjoy it or not because both private organizations and public companies require drug tests as the best strategy that will allow them to maintain safe workplace.

Synthetic Urine

However, it means that even if you consume drugs outside your work, if you fail the test, they can fire and terminate the contract with you.

Most people think that these procedures include privacy breach, and that is why they are trying to handle ways that will allow them to pass the test with ease.

One of the most popular ways for tampering with a urine drug test is by using synthetic pee and substitutes instead of your own. However, laboratories have strict regulations and safety guidelines, and in some cases, employers may require direct supervision of taking the sample.

It is vital to be proactive, which means that you should think about ways that will allow you to pass the test. If you want to use synthetic pee, you should learn everything about it, such as shelf life, how to handle temperature and which ingredients these liquids should contain.

If you used fake pee before and you still have one left inside your household, the question is whether you should use it or not.

Can Fake Pee Expire?

Yes, similarly to other products available on the market, synthetic urine also features shelf life as well as expiration date. Most of them can stay on shelves between two and three years depending on the means of storage and brand that you decide to purchase.

However, you should learn how to store it properly so that you can maximize the life expectancy. Remember that high humidity and weather conditions can affect the life of fake urine that you wish to use.

As time goes by, both creatinine and pH levels can deteriorate, especially if you expose it to oxygen by leaving it open. Therefore, the best way to prolong the shelf life of fake pee is to avoid exposing it to extreme temperatures and direct sunlight.

Should You Use Expire Fake Urine?

Similarly, as we have mentioned above, using fake pee is the worst thing that you can do. The fact states that real urine tends to expire quickly as it leaves the body, which is why labs are conducting the screening immediately after taking the specimens.

The main reason why fake pee comes with a shelf life is due to its ingredients, and chemical content inside that mimic the real urine. If you leave, it is, the materials will deteriorate, and labs will notice a difference between real deal and fake pee.

Should You Store It In An Open Bottle?

We recommend you to avoid placing it in an open bottle and choose instead airtight one that will improve its lifestyle as time goes by. Remember that if you expose it to oxygen, you will speed up the process of deterioration for both chemical and physical properties.

That is the main reason why most fake urines come in airtight pouches to prevent these issues.If you place it in the open bottle, it will be affected by air pollutants and bacteria, and these can combine with the sample, so it will not be able to pass the screening process.

If you wish to ensure that you reach the perfect results possible, you should avoid opening the sample until the testing day. Otherwise, you should store it in the refrigerator in a closed and airtight bottle.

Finding the best synthetic urine can be challenging for people that do not have prior experience, but in general, it is a simple process that depends on various factors.

Should You Reheat Fake Pee?

It is highly recommended to reheat the fake pee before the test so that you can reach the proper temperature that resembles natural urine. That is the main reason why most packages come with heating elements.

You will be able to reheat the urine by using a microwave oven, but make sure that you put a timer on ten seconds max because then you can check the proper temperature with strip.

Remember that natural urine’s temperature is between 90 and 100 degrees F, so keep heating in ten-second intervals until you reach the proper temperature.

Apart from microwave, you can use hand warmers, and since they are simple to hide and compact, you can use them to heat the urine samples with ease. With the proper amount of practice, you will be able to use your own body to warm the urine sample.

The best areas where you can place it is in the inner thighs or crotch area for men, and armpits, around the crotch area and between the breasts for women. All you have to do is to place a sample in some of these areas before submitting it.

The main problem with this method is that our body heat can fluctuate depending on activities and the environment. If you wish to use this particular method, you have to make sure that you conduct your tests until it reaches the right temperature in general.

It is important to click here so that you can understand the process of urinalysis and how to pass it with ease.

How to Make Fake Pee to Last Longer?

Check out these qualities when it comes to synthetic urine:

  • Color – If you wish to use a sample, we recommend you to check out the color. Remember that synthetic urine will lose the color over time, and that is not the only red flag because screening machine will notice that the sample is fake.
  • Odor – The critical consideration is odor, which is something that will affect you as well. Even though urine features yellowish color, technicians will tell immediately whether the sample came from humans or not. If the synthetic sample is emitting a strange odor, it means that you did not store it as you should, and you should throw it away and find another one instead.
  • Temperature – Finally, you have to make sure that urine features acceptable temperature, which is average body temperature in general. If you have been storing it, we recommend you to heat it properly to avoid issues. You can use microwave oven, heating pads or body temperature to do it.

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