The Combination Of Naturopathy And Healthy Habits

Almost everyday topics of our conversation are what we eat, how much we eat, when we eat, etc. Dr. Courtney Holmberg, ND is the real expert in this field.

Each day, the number of different types of food products increases, with their attractive packaging attracting the attention of consumers to buy and consume them. There are also more and more fast food restaurants offering daily products at affordable prices.

A healthy diet is when all foods that are incorporated in the body during the day are so combined that the organism gets everything it needs for normal functioning. Therefore, it is considered a healthy diet to eat the optimum amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water in your body. It is therefore important to note that hamburgers, pizzas, hot dogs and similar foods are not “unhealthy” and can be consumed, but they must be taken into consideration that they are not consumed too often and that they are combined with other types of foods to achieve optimum daily intake of nutritional ingredients of the necessary organism.

The basis of a healthy diet is based on regular diet, or it is recommended to diet with more meals a day, but with a quantity of less food. Foods must be as diverse as a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, cereals, olive oil, and we must not forget the obligatory intake of enough fluids. It is preferred that the consumed liquid is water, milk and natural fruit or vegetable juices, and it should be avoided, or in lesser amounts, to take carbonated drinks and alcohol.

It is logical that our diet depends on our health. What are human improvements associated with diet?

Proper nutrition is one of the most important factors and a prerequisite for the normal functioning of the body. It affects the growth and development of children and adolescents, physical and work ability, defense mechanisms of the organism and intellectual function. Any uncontrolled, excessive or insufficient food intake and food intake which, in view of the nutritional composition, does not meet the needs of an individual significantly endangers his health.

Primary deficiency of vitamin in the diet can be manifested as a night blindness due to lack of vitamin A. Mineral deficiencies may also occur in the diet. The occurrence of dyspnea due to iodine deficiency is known, and anemia occurs due to lack of iron. Without calcium we would not have our bones, and a whole series of micromini catalysts are precious processes that depend on the growth, development and functioning of the organism.

It is known that as a result of excessive food intake there is a thickness that often precedes the onset of a range of diseases of children, adults and elderly people. The quality of the diet significantly influences the development of circulatory system diseases as the leading cause of death in our population, gastrointestinal and endocrinological systems, and on the occurrence of malignancies at some localities. In order for a person to function normally longer, it is necessary, besides the physical activity of the adapted age, to adapt nutrition with the optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

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